Sylvanian Children Toys Cottontail Rabbit Baby Theme - Κουνελάκι Με Βαμβακερή Ουρά Ages 3+

Age: 3+ Cottontail Rabbit Baby comes with the Cottontail Rabbit baby figure, hat and pochette. The figure can be posed by moving the head, arms and legs.Cottontail Rabbit Baby likes to play in the water. He gets exited splashing water everywhere when he goes to the pool or a small stream. He doesn't have to worry though because his mother washes his clothes straight away. He loves shower time, and always dashes playfully to the bathroom when it's his turn. Combine this figure with Cottontail Rabbit Family and Cottontail Rabbit Twins (sold separately) to complete all the members of the Cottontail Rabbit family. Play together with various houses, furniture and other families for even more fun (sold separately). Set contains: Cottontail Rabbit baby, hat, pochette

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